Oh Bettie... Have a live art event that I have been preparing for and in the mist of what to do for display for the show and what I have been trying to get on board, came a tribute to Day of the Dead and Bettie. What feels so wrong became so right. I started with the intentions of showing the process but after I laid most of the reds, I became to involved with the piece that it was done before you knew it. The final piece measures 16x20 and was mostly done with black and red India Ink with the exceptions of a dab of acrylic paint.
Busy bee. Been blessed with a bit of regular deadlines but unfortunately most that I cannot speak of, much like that Harry Potter fellow. One thing that I can mention though is come August I will be participating in a live art show! More on that as the details are finalized. As for the lady with the flying speakers, just something I whipped up to get warmed up.